Workspots Analysis

Workspots are crucial for discerning the primary work locations of individuals within an organization based on their visitation patterns—specifically, where they go, how often, and for how long.

Why Workspots Matter

Workspots provide valuable insights into the functional dynamics of office spaces. It helps identify preferred work locations for employees. For instance, if there is significant movement ("Site Nomads") between the Berlin and Frankfurt offices, it may prompt the implementation of Hot Desking to optimize space utilization. Similarly, if a majority of employees consistently choose one floor over another within a site, it signals the need for adjustments in space planning or amenities.

Detailed Description of Workspots

Screenshot_KB workspots

  1. Occupant Comparison: The left chart compares individuals with a designated workspot at a specific site against those whose primary workspot is elsewhere but has visited this site within a defined timeframe.

  2. Primary Floor Analysis: The top right chart focuses on occupants with a workspot at the site, highlighting their primary floor preference. This includes a breakdown of the top 4 floors and identifies "Floor Nomads" who frequent multiple floors equally.

  3. Visitor Insights: The bottom right chart explores visitors without a designated workspot at the site, detailing their primary work locations elsewhere. This chart highlights the top originating sites of these visitors and identifies "Site Nomads" who frequent multiple sites.

Cases Explained

  • Site Nomads: Individuals moving between different sites without a clear preference

  • Floor Nomads: Individuals with a preferred site but who exhibit nomadic behavior within that site by frequenting multiple floors
  • Clear Workspot Identification: Individuals with a clear preference for a specific site and a preferred floor within that site


[ Please Note ]

  • Workspot data is based on individuals visiting the office for at least four weeks within a three-month period
  • The office site must be connected to Basking's platform for at least three months for accurate analysis
  • Workspots are recalculated weekly using data from the previous three months
  • Basking's platform does not identify individuals using this or any other KPI to ensure privacy and confidentiality