How can I switch between organizations in Basking?

If you have access to multiple organizations in Basking, here is how you can switch between them.

Typically, regular users have access to just one organization within Basking. However, there are instances where users may enable the Demo organization or work with multiple organizations as a partner. In such cases, switching between these organizations is essential. Here's a quick guide on how to seamlessly switch between different organizations:

  1. Once you have logged into Basking, you will be directed to your default organization (↪ See How can I change my default organization)
  2. To switch to another organization, simply click on the Basking menu located at the top right corner of the app.
  3. A dropdown menu will appear, displaying all the organizations you have access to. Choose the organization you wish to view by clicking on its name. The app will then automatically redirect you to the chosen organization's dashboard. It's that simple!