Basking data sources

What are the different data sources Basking can use to give you better insights?

This is a detailed comparison of various data sources used for workspace analytics.
The data sources include Badge, Sensor and Wi-Fi.
Each data source offers distinct advantages and trade-offs in terms of accuracy, scalability, cost, and privacy concerns.

Basking recommends using Wi-Fi integration as it is the easiest to setup, easy to scale and has the lowest cost as it uses the existing infrastructure.
Below is an in-depth look at each type:


- Accuracy: Badges provide moderate accuracy. They offer a reliable way to track the entry and exit of employees but may not give detailed insights into their precise locations within the workspace.
- Scalability: When it comes to scalability, badge systems are moderate. They are relatively easy to implement across small to medium-sized workspaces but may require significant infrastructure for larger areas.
- Cost: The cost of implementing badge systems is moderate. They require investment in badge readers and managing badge issuance and maintenance.
- Privacy Concerns: There are moderate privacy concerns with badge systems, as they collect data on employee movements which must be handled with care to ensure privacy.


- Accuracy: Sensors offer moderate to high accuracy. They can provide detailed insights into workspace usage, including real-time occupancy and movement patterns.
- Scalability: The scalability of sensor systems is low to moderate. While they offer detailed data, installing and maintaining a large number of sensors can be challenging and resource-intensive.
- Cost: The cost of sensor systems ranges from moderate to high. High-quality sensors that provide detailed data can be expensive to purchase and install.
- Privacy Concerns: Moderate privacy concerns are associated with sensor systems. They need robust data privacy measures to protect the information collected about employees’ presence and movements.


- Accuracy: Wi-Fi-based systems offer moderate to high accuracy. They can provide useful insights into workspace utilization by tracking devices connected to the network.
- Scalability: Wi-Fi systems excel in scalability. They can be easily scaled across large workspaces since they leverage the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure.
- Cost: The cost of implementing Wi-Fi systems is low. They utilize existing network infrastructure, which reduces the need for additional investments.
- Privacy Concerns: There are low privacy concerns with Wi-Fi systems. As long as data usage complies with privacy regulations, these systems can be a relatively unobtrusive way to gather workspace data.

  Badge Sensor Wi-Fi
Accuracy Moderate Moderate – High  Moderate – High 
Scalability Moderate Low – Moderate   High
Cost Moderate Moderate – High   Low
Privacy Concerns Moderate Moderate  Low